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Get Help

Do you need help?

We understand how difficult and frightening it can be to seek help, either for yourself or for someone you love. Safe Harbors is here to support your choices and help you at every step. Throughout all our work, survivor safety, confidentiality, and empowerment remain our top priorities. 

Emergency Support
Holding Hands

If you or a loved one are in imminent danger, call emergency services at 911. If you are feeling unsafe due to domestic violence, sexual violence, and/or stalking and you'd like to speak to a Safe Harbors' Advocate about your options, you can call the Safe Harbors 24-hour help line at 541-426-6565. Safe Harbors offers emergency medical accompaniment and emergency shelter options, as well as safety planning.  

Sexual Assault Response
Woman & Doctor

If you have experienced sexual assault, you get to decide what is right for you. Free Sexual Assault Forensic Exams (SAFE) are available at Wallowa Memorial Hospital and preserve evidence following an assault. A full medical exam is available within 5 days of the assault and a partial exam is available within 7 days. After evidence has been gathered, you may choose to: 

  • Report the crime to law enforcement, and the evidence will help them to investigate your assault. 

  • Have the evidence held anonymously, in case you choose to report the assault to law enforcement at a later time. 

  • Report to law enforcement without the medical exam. 

  • Free counseling, STD testing, and birth control options are also available - inquire about these options at the time of your SAFE. 


A Safe Harbors' Sexual Assault Advocate is available to talk through your options and can also be present as you navigate the medical and/or criminal justice systems. Call our office (541-426-4004) or 24-hour help line (541-426-6565) to speak with an advocate. 


Safety Tips for Victims of Domestic Violence
Holding Hands
  • Call 911 if you are in danger and need help.

  • Arrange a signal with a neighbor, friend or family.  Example: if the porch light is on/flashing, your neighbor should call the police.  Or if you call your friend or family and lay the phone down, they know to call the police.

  • Plan the safest time to get away.  Examples: when your abuser is at work, with friends, or on a trip.

  • Stay in rooms that have exits, as you do not want to be trapped in a room where there is no escape. Also stay away from kitchens and bathrooms.  Kitchens have many potential weapons, and bathrooms have many edges and hard surfaces that a fall could cause serious injury.

  • If you leave the home and are staying with a friend/family, vary your routes to and from work, daycare, church, etc.  

  • Try not to leave without your children.  Plan with your children and identify a safe place for them; a room with a lock or a neighbor’s house where they can go for help.  Reassure them their job is to stay safe, not to protect you.

  • If you are injured, go to the hospital emergency room or your doctor to report what happened to you.  Keep any evidence of a physical abuse (ripped clothes, photos of bruises and injuries, etc.) in a safe place.

  • Let your job, friends/family, daycare know what is going on and ask that they be on alert around your partner.​

  • Keep a bag with copies of important documents (ID, passport, credit cards, insurance cards, etc...), medications, keys, and a change of clothes in a place that you can easily access in the case that you need to quickly leave your home. 


Safe Harbors operates its program, services and activities in compliance with federal nondiscrimination laws. No person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our programs. 

To file a complaint of discrimination, write Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (“OCR”), 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531 or call 202-307-0690 (Voice) or 202-3087-2027 (TDD/TYY).  Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may also contact OCR through the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339 (TTY), 877-877-8982 (Speech) or 800-845-6136 (Spanish).

To file a complaint of discrimination directly with the Oregon Department of Justice, write Complaint Coordinator, Oregon Department of Justice, Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division, 1162 Court Street NE, Salem, OR  97301 or call 503-378-5348.  


To file a complaint of discrimination directly with this organization, write Safe Harbors, 401 NE 1st ST. Suite B. Enterprise OR 97828, or call (541) 426-4004

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